"My brothers, I hope you can stay here for a few days. After all, I don’t know much about war and weapons …"

"Do you want to put us under house arrest?" Ivankov suddenly asked angrily. He interrupted Escobar’s speech and stared at Escobar with sharp eyes.
"No brothers, you misunderstood! I want to know your answer as soon as possible! I’m in a bad situation. I hope you can promise to help me as soon as possible! " Escobar said kindly
Yuri stood up and pressed ivankov’s shoulder to calm him down. This matter is too big. Yuri really has no courage to take the initiative.
So shortly after the meeting on the same day, Yuri contacted Xie took to tell Xie took the whole story, and then asked Xie took’s opinion.
"Ah! What are you afraid of? Yuri, I’m afraid we can’t shirk this matter! " Xie took said with emotion in the words
"Sorry, boss!" Yuri was ashamed and said that Escobar had won the guest. Now he is in trouble, but he wants the whole Gorky brothers to help him solve it.
"Say such a thing! I heard from Dad that a former KGB employee in our fraternity recently claimed to have a way to buy and sell allied fire. Anyway, Dad and I are not quite sure about him. Let him do this business! If something goes wrong, let him carry it! " Xie took said in the words
"How did the KGB join us? We’re not spies, are we?" Yuri asked not trust.
"Don’t worry, I asked Director Morgin that this man was really abandoned by the KGB. You know that we always don’t like KGB. They occupy more classics and branches. I’m not surprised at KGB players this time!" Xie took replied
"When can you give me an answer?" Yuri finally asked
"A week!" Xie Liaosha replied, please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w
Chapter IX Valentin’s First Pen Industry
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC ivankov and Yuri had a great time in the United States these years * Pop-up window? @++WWW * C has gradually become one of the most stable financial resources of Gorky Brotherhood in their division of labor and North America.
In the division of labor, Yuri’s main responsibility is to deal with the money laundering industry in the gang department, including maintaining the big customers to manage the money transportation. These jobs require certain financial and business knowledge. In Jierkina, Yuri gradually mastered these skills and realized the fun of this business.
Although Gergina and Yuri are not married, they have lived together as husband and wife. Because the Soviet Union and the United States signed an agreement on Jews in 197, the United States allowed Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to the United States, and Gergina and Yuri forged their identities because of this loophole. Gergina and Yuri already have legal residence status here.
Ivankov is not very interested in financial affairs, but he is not very helpful to Yuri’s management. However, ivankov has a great talent in organizing personnel. Most of the employees in Yuri’s casino are Russian young people from Brighton community in new york. ivankov obtained residence in the United States by means of fake marriage with a Russian widow in Brighton. He paid the other party $15,000. Over time, ivankov gradually moved to Brighton community in new york and Atlantic City. A powerful Russian gang has been formed, which has changed the dominance of Irish and Italians in these two cities. Now in Atlantic City, if someone walks on the street with Russian pronunciation English, there will be no trouble. In new york, almost all gangsters know that a powerful Russian gang organization is rooted here in Brighton Beach.
Ivankov is in charge of not only Yuri Casino and other business security guards, but also some other industries, such as the export industry with Yakov Italian company. ivankov has handled these things in an orderly manner.
After waiting for a week in Colombia, Yuri and ivankov finally received news from Selyosha that Selyosha agreed to make an exception for the big guest Escobar, but the Gorky Brotherhood would not directly participate in this business and did not want Escobar to take risks. The Gorky Brotherhood just became a middleman to help Escobar introduce a seller. Yuri and ivankov then handed over the words of Petrov’s father to Escobar and then returned to the United States
Dad soon received Escobar’s words. Escobar told Petrov his needs, but Dad said to him, "Mr. Escobar, I probably know your needs, but I think you should know the situation before buying! You need the kind of gunships and fighters that can be shot down. missile troops is not easy to handle and it is impossible to sell it to you at the internationally accepted price! "
"You said that I understand that I am willing to pay no matter how much I can buy aircraft weapons that can deal with Americans!" Escobar said eagerly that this was from his heart. For drug dealers with rockets and assault rifles, the powerful firepower of helicopter gunships and attack aircraft is the way to defeat Escobar. To stabilize the military, we must have weapons that can suppress the enemy.
Petrov and Escobar didn’t talk much because it was the first time. Although Dad was a soldier, it was during World War II. His knowledge of arms came from Valentin, which recently joined.
After Valentin joined the Gorky Brotherhood, he would start with some minor things. Who knows, it didn’t take long before he received a level message asking if there was any way to get weapons that could be used to call American armed helicopters and ground attack aircraft. It must be easy to learn, most like rockets. Valentin was shocked at that time, but he didn’t dare to ask more, saying that he was not sure that he could ask first. However, Valentin was more careful. He beat about the bush and asked the other party’s bid.
This idea can’t be concealed from Dad. Dad simply said to Valentin, "The price is up to you to decide whether you can get it. The price is not a problem!"
"I think the needle-1 individual missile can meet the requirements of the other side!" Valentin said firmly.
"Good? How much is one? " Asked Torre Petrov.
"It’s hard to know that this kind of missile is rarely equipped in the army and most of these troops are deployed in Afghanistan! Mainly in the border area against Pakistan and Americans reconnaissance aircraft! In terms of price, about … about $300,000 a piece! " Valentin blew the price up five times in one breath. If it is sold at this price, Valentin will lose about 240,000 US dollars in net profit.
"Good at this price! It’s best to make some samples first in a month. If the guest is satisfied, I think he will let you make a fortune! " Torre said in the words
"Thank you, boss, I will definitely work hard!" Valentin quickly replied excitedly that he knew the concept of $240,000, which is a lot of money even abroad. It is an ordinary American family who has to get one for several years, and he has to eat and drink all his life.
"Valentin has a saying I want to tell you that I don’t care how much money you made in this business! But if you get into trouble, you can carry it yourself. If you really bring trouble to the organization, I think you should know what kind of punishment you will get. After all, the KGB is a government department. He will deal with you alone. We are not going to find your relatives if we can’t find you! " Petrov Torre warned in the words
Valentin was awakened by Dad’s warning and quickly calmed down! This is an arms deal, and the risk is directly proportional to the profit! Just now, I was so busy that I forgot who I was dealing with. Valentin was silent for a moment and then replied in the words, "Don’t worry, boss! I have been trained in the KGB to cut myself. I know what to do if something goes wrong! "
"Very good!" Dad hung up quickly after saying that, please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w
Chapter 10 Jelicin Dilemma
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phones: M CC Among all the first-class mobile phones in the Soviet Union, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation was once the only one with its own banking system. @++www * c But now the Soviet Ministry of Construction will end this history, because their national residential bank will be renamed as the residential public bank and become the fifth state-owned bank in the Soviet Union, and its first president will be sobchak, the former president of the national residential bank.
This banking reform is the first step of Gorbachev’s government to reform the financial system. Although the residential public bank has been raised to the national level, it is still a regional bank only for Moscow, Leningrad Gorky and other regions, and this is also a bold experiment made by Gorbachev in the banking system.
Gorbachev’s confidant and an official with considerable research in finance, Xie Liaosha, still knows a little about these things. In fact, Gorbachev’s schedule is not a residential public bank, and a state-owned bank called the Workers and Peasants Bank has also listed the financial system reform schedule, which means that in the future the Soviet banking system will have the existing central bank, foreign trade bank, China Construction Bank, Four storage banks will be expanded into six workers’ and peasants’ banks and residential public utility banks, and Gorbachev’s move is to promote national housing and urban construction and improve the situation of industrial and agricultural production slipping year by year, which means that in the future, housing and urban construction, industrial and agricultural enterprises will receive more funds from the state to support national leaders, and ligachev, the second in command of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, will undertake this financial system reform.
Ligachev used to be the head of the Party Organization Department, and he was very prestigious in the Party. However, Xie Liaosha now holds the Soviet purse and ligachev is not very familiar with foreign trade. ligachev did not interfere too much with Xie Liaosha’s affairs. On the contrary, Jelicin was somewhat dissatisfied because the workers’ new town needed the central government to invest huge sums of money.
Ligachev’s idea is very simple. Why did the Workers’ New Town build the third phase without relying on the state to allocate a penny when Xie took over? Jelicin just took over and asked the state for so much money. The funds in Jelicin have not been met.
Xie Liaosha actually knows in his heart that in recent years, due to the shortage of the country, the people have become more dependent on the black market. However, due to the nature of the Soviet Union, workers will get paid no matter what they do, which in fact intensifies the danger of inflation. As the money in the hands of the people is decreasing, the money is getting more and more because they can’t spend it. The harm of inflation is that the people can’t look down on the interest on those bonds issued by residential public banks. The people would rather change their money into something that can’t stand for a long time. Only by hoarding outdated merchants or changing them into foreign exchange can we keep our wealth, which in turn intensifies the demand for land and worsens the shortage of land. Some people can get tight merchants and no one can go to the black market to buy high-priced merchants. This phenomenon is also abhorrent to the common people, which reminds Xie Liaosha of a word called speculation that he heard when he was a child.
In the Soviet Union, this shortage of economic impact has magnified the harmful side of speculation, gradually showing a more serious impact on the Soviet economy, especially on the blood transfusion and barter trade of the Soviet Union by Xie Liaosha. Glencore is mainly engaged in three major industries, namely, solving aluminum cases. Those workers who are forced to buy a satisfactory life in state-owned stores because of inflation have enough money to go to the black market, and the buyers show their magic. Some people will steal the aluminum ingots produced from their work units and sell them to smugglers outside, while others will simply run away during the shift. What’s more, some well-connected people have started to speculate by relying on the big trees in the aluminum factory, so the output of aluminum ingots in the factory has dropped (because the workers don’t work well) and the production of liters (because a large number of aluminum ingots will be lost). The harm here in Xieliao Sha is that the lack of business has caused the trade to shrink and the profits to fall.
After understanding this truth, Xie Liaosha has now seen through it. Unless the police street is allowed to catch workers who have skipped work as it was when andropov remembered Gangtai, the Soviet economy is really a way to change the sliding trend. However, Gorbachev has done exactly the opposite. He wants to give people freedom and will definitely not let the police do so.
The bad news is actually not this one. Due to the global economic downturn, the prices of aluminum ingots, oil and natural gas are sliding in the international market. Fortunately, the prices of grain are also sliding. Although Glencore’s profit model has little impact, the export income of the Soviet Union is not optimistic.
The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation is not easy to do, but Xie Liaosha has made cars a new export highlight. For the time being, the data of Xie Liaosha’s industry here is not too ugly, but there is no money in Jelicin. At the beginning, Xie Liaosha made a promise to Jelicin, so Jelicin had the cheek to ask Xie Liaosha to solve the financial problem.